If you have just started attending Sacred Heart Catholic Church, recently made a decision to follow Jesus or want to learn more about what it means to be a Christian, we invite you to get to know others and take part in our parish activities.
Parish Activities:
Eucharistic Adoration
Parish Fish Fry
Outreach Program
Respect Life
Knights of Columbus
Halloween Festival
Linen Cleaning
Ladies Club
Men's Group
Youth Group - *anyone interested in volunteering with the youth must complete training and a background check.
There are many different reasons for wanting to become more active in your Church Parish: to help others, to overcome a loss, to learn something new or to meet new people. Opportunities to volunteer your time continue to grow in our parish. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at Sacred Heart or have new ideas for our parish please contact Fr. Damian Anumba or Deacon Kevin Meece.